Two days of support are available to Landex members. Additional days can be provided at the costs stated plus expenses, which will be kept to a minimum and discussed at the time of booking. All activity will be provided at the cost per day stated with additional charges made for reasonable expenses and the preparation of resources.
1 – 2 Days
A review of the college management and quality processes for apprenticeship and work-based learning provision. This one/two day review…
1 – 2 Days
Professional discussions held with Curriculum and Senior managers to review curriculum design and delivery. This review can support leaders…
1 – 2 Days
Professional discussions held with HE Deans and subject leaders to critically reflect on study program design and delivery. This…
1 – 2 Days
A one or two day activity tailored to the needs and TLA priorities of the college, working with observers…
1 – 2 Days
Professional discussions held with Personal Development leads to critically reflect on opportunities to develop skills beyond academic, technical and…
1 – 2 Days
A review to support members in achieving excellence in residential provision. The review will incorporate the expectations of residential…
1-2 Days
A one or two day onsite activity tailored to review and/or provide external validation of SARs (draft or final)…
The following menu of activities is available at the costs stated plus expenses, which will be kept to a minimum and discussed at the time of booking.
1 day
Training / support activities tailored to member’s individual needs beyond the scope of activities detailed in the Landex menu…
1 day or 2 x 3 hours
Support and challenge in learning are intrinsic to individual development and progress. This training enables learning support practitioners to…
1 Day
This development activity focusses on enhancing practitioners’ coaching knowledge, skills and behaviours to improve learner agency and independence in…
1 day or 2 x 3 hours
assessment is essential in building a strong tutor:student dialogue and monitoring the progress of students. Research illustrates that effective…
1 day or 2 x 3 hours
shows effective problem-based learning pedagogy is fundamental to the delivery of high-quality technical education, helping shape resilient work ready…
1 day or 2 x 3 hours
Excellence in academic tutorial practice is a fundamental building block of progress in learning. This session will inform those…
1 day or 2 x 3 hours
Many technical and vocational learners struggle with exam preparation and performance. This session will explore strategies practitioners can both…
1 day
March 2020-21 saw a shocking sector increase in the incident toll of 70%, a continued drive on establishing a…
6 sessions per person
Executive Coaching has been proven to positively impact on personal development and organisational performance. This package offers six one…
1 day
Landex members can seek support for standardising the quality of judgements made of teaching, learning and assessment. This training…
1 day or 2 x 3 hours
This practical, interactive workshop focuses primarily on how learning can be maximised in practical sessions. With the ever increasing…
1 day or 2 x 3 hours
This practical workshop will explore target setting and how it can be used to challenge learners in all aspects…
1 – 2 days
Robust and rigorous self assessment is at the heart of all quality cycles and improvement plans. Managers are expected…
1 day or 2 x 3 hours
This workshop will explore the foundations of what contributes to good quality online learning in both synchronous and asynchronous…
1 day
This is an interactive development opportunity which focusses on building healthy team dynamics. Suitable for teams or sub-teams, 12-…
If you have any questions around our membership or are interested in learning more about our services and events, please get in touch today using our contact form and a member of the Landex team will get back to you within 24 hours (Mon-Fri)
T: 01604 550109